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Friday, February 22, 2019

my life so far in 2019

I started college then stopped after a month of going
i;m pretty sure my new boyfriend is cheating on me and hding shit from me
i'm at the point i want to kill myslef

Friday, February 10, 2017

Been gone awhile

Hey everyone sorry ive been gone since September, I've been busy with senior year and getting my life ready to moved in with my lovely fiance back in my home state .. so for a filler here's photos

Sunday, September 18, 2016

My life so far

I'm torn between going to college or starting my life with my fiance ... I don't know what to do . He's talking about getting an apartment together how will I get all my stuff from Wisconsin 2 Virginia including myself.  I don't have a job so I don't have cash to pay for anything I  do stuff for my mother to earn money for the conventions I go to ..... I'm so lost without hope

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Senior year soo far

It's alright besides having to look after both my younger brother and cousin . Plus ppl starting pointless drama with me just to see if I break which I wont. Obvious I'm still semi fighting with my fiance but thataba everyday occurrence with us